The logic of the bitch manti is a way of taking the easy way out, but it is unclear how this relates to prostitution. A recipe is described that involves roasting green peppers, mixing them with vinegar and garlic, and then storing them in the fridge for a day. The end result is not like a pickle, but it tastes nice. The speaker is unsure if this is the correct way to make it.
Prostitutes make a dish with salt, vinegar, and garlic for people who say "Squeaky Cucumber". This dish is called "Running with Salt to the One Who Says Fuck Me Hyyar".
pickled whore
pickled whore
Eating the dessert from the whorehouse makes your stomach feel bad.
pickled whore
(see: eat me with a banner)
pickled whore
keeps it full (see: horny)
pickled whore
The logic of the bitch manti is a way of taking the easy way out, but it is unclear how this relates to prostitution. A recipe is described that involves roasting green peppers, mixing them with vinegar and garlic, and then storing them in the fridge for a day. The end result is not like a pickle, but it tastes nice. The speaker is unsure if this is the correct way to make it.
pickled whore
Its main ingredient is beans.
pickled whore
Prostitutes make a dish with salt, vinegar, and garlic for people who say "Squeaky Cucumber". This dish is called "Running with Salt to the One Who Says Fuck Me Hyyar".